Kamis, 20 Mei 2010


One morning in April, I was awakened by the cries of my child called my name several times. I went out and got my son laughing, looking at the floor. I found out what happened.

A young gecko just fell from the ceiling along with a bee. I paused to reflect on what the meaning of all this. And I did not waste this rare opportunity. I immediately took the camera and could snapped only two shots. One of them was blur because the gecko ran away suddenly.

It seemed that the young gecko has chosen wrong prey. It was too ambitious with large prey without thinking about the risks carefully. It was too quick grab and "maknyos"! It was stung. I've been stung by a bee, so I knew how about the pain that must be experienced by the gecko who has no experience yet. Plus another added pain when he fell to the floor. Certainly the gecko could not move about five minutes before the escape. Bee has died because it was trapped in gecko’s mouth, fell on the floor and lost its sting.

I think to achieve a dream in our life is a struggle. Do not think every thing can be instant ! Do not be careless ! Do not be greedy and loose controll ! Try to be grateful while learning to interpret small things that we could earn. Do not worry because the big dream surely will come when God allows it. I learnt it from the following verse:

Matthew 6 : 34
So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings.

1 komentar:

  1. Anita Mindarosa
    Hi Pica, my long lost brother, interesting story (similar to the first one), no criticisms but feedback. I'd like to think that this gecko is smart enough to know its prey, perhaps it had no other options but to encounter a bee along the way to achieve its goal - a mosquito delight sat right next to the bee..? Sometimes, you've got to overcome an obstacle or many obstacles to achieve a dream....:) keep writing, i will be reading!
    May 21 at 7:40am ·
